The Power of Expectation

parenting personal growth professional development relationships Feb 11, 2020

I want to share a truth that was first revealed to me by my mother when I was a child, then later reinforced through my own life experiences:

“What you expect has phenomenal power over the quality and course of your life.”

Your expectations about your relationships, work, finances and every other area of life are almost always either positive or negative; they are rarely neutral. 

Good and positive expectations trigger excitement, optimistic anticipation, encouragement and hope. In fact, the absence of good expectations is a definition of hopelessness. Negative expectations such as, "People won't like me," "It's going to be one of those bad days," "My kids are headed for failure," or "I will never be out of debt" often lead to discouragement, unhappiness and poor choices. 

Of course in real life, bad things do happen. No one is immune from disappointment, rejection, and bad news at times, but if you expect these themes to be a regular part of your life, I can guarantee they will be. However, if you choose to maintain an attitude of good and positive expectation despite the problems and challenges you face, you will naturally be on the lookout for what you expect - and you will consistently find it!

At the very least, training your mind to expect good things in your life will help eliminate thoughts and feelings of powerlessness and hopelessness and open the door to greater peace and contentment.

I personally believe that the power of good expectation comes from two key sources: (1) your brains natural ability to direct your thoughts, feelings and actions towards desired or expected outcomes and, (2) the control you have to choose healthy new decisions with regard to how you think, act and perceive. (You may not be able to choose what pops into your mind, but you can choose which thoughts you allow to stay!)

As you go about your day today, and every day, fill your mind with good and positive expectations and then watch for the evidence of their existence everywhere you go. Below is a list of statements that reflect good expectations. Each morning, pick out the ones that apply to your day and rehearse them. Then pause periodically during your day to notice the wonderful difference the power of good expectations makes in your life and relationships!

"Something good will happen to me today."

"Today I will exercise integrity, and its value will enrich my life." 

"People will accept and respect me."

"I am able to gain control of my finances and provide for myself and my family."

"Today I will successfully face and overcome my challenges."

"I will see wonderful potential and accomplishment in the lives of my children."

"Today I will create work to do that brings me satisfaction and purpose."

"My relationships will be strong and satisfying."

"Today I will be the best husband/wife, partner or friend I can be."

"I am looking forward to new and exciting opportunities opening up to me."

"Today I will make a positive difference in my world and in the lives of those around me."

Choose to expect the best and you will begin to see good things happen in your life!

Live, Work and Relate Well!

Dr. Todd

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