How To Build Unshakable Self-Confidence Using Scientifically Proven Methods!

Two mental health professionals unveil how to eliminate embarrassing self-doubt, paralyzing fear, and the crippling voice of the inner critic.

How To Build Unshakable Self-Confidence Using Scientifically Proven Methods

--- in 30 days ---

2 mental health professionals unveil how to eliminate embarrassing self-doubt, paralyzing fear and the crippling voice of the inner critic.

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If you’re an avoider, pleaser, or worrier looking to take control of your life while feeling bold and courageous, then you already know that it’s time to take action by making a meaningful and well-deserved investment in yourself. 

You have likely been asking yourself for a long time what you can do to finally break free from the emotional and relational snares of low self-confidence. 

You probably already know that once you discover how to build unshakable self-confidence the quality of your life will dramatically change because you are no longer missing out on the relational, professional, and financial opportunities that are all around you. 

You have probably also heard that people with high self-confidence have superior physical and emotional health, earn more income, enjoy deeper relational intimacy, and achieve greater professional success. 

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Here’s what you might NOT know

When you begin to learn and apply the answers to building unshakable self-confidence, you will discover that: 


Every day, millions of people fail to realize their full potential due to the fear of criticism. Unshakable self-confidence will help you stop worrying about what people think and motivate you to give your all!  


Chronic stress is to blame for many physical and emotional problems. Unshakable self-confidence is accompanied by a strong belief that you have what it takes to cope with and overcome the circumstances and demands that lead to high stress. 


Fear and self-doubt create a mental fog that is sure to sabotage good communication.  With unshakable self-confidence you will possess a laser-like focus on what and how you communicate with friends and co-workers. 


Healthy relationships require taking risks. Overcoming the fear of conflict and rejection opens the door to greater vulnerability, deeper trust, and mutual respect. 


We all have setbacks. When they happen, the ability to quickly stand up, dust yourself off, and courageously move forward requires unshakable self-confidence.


Build Unshakable Self-Confidence? Great.

But where in the world do I start?

It’s possible that in your most courageous moments you’ve made the commitment to face the fears that choke your confidence only to find yourself shrinking further back in the shadows of self-doubt.

You’ve told yourself over and over again that you have what it takes to silence the voice of your inner critic and to stand strong under the collective weight of negative judgment, rejection, and disapproval. 

If you’re super committed, you may have already consumed numerous podcasts, online videos, blog posts and even books on how to boost your self-esteem. 

But, despite your best intentions, you ended up abandoning your efforts due to feeling lost and confused in the maze of “how tos” and “quick-fix” solutions. 

Here’s why most people with low self-confidence end up discouraged and give up on the process: 

Without a highly organized, step-by-step system, people who are already prone to self-doubt will get completely lost. 

They get stuck by a lack of clear direction, not knowing how to practice what they are learning, and losing motivation due to a lack of encouragement and support.

Here’s why this is irreversibly crippling.

You’re already extremely busy juggling the demanding responsibilities of your daily life. You have bills to pay, an education to complete, a demanding job, children to care for, a home to manage, and a partner or friends you’re trying to give attention to.   

With your hectic life, you simply can’t afford to start and stop over and over again when it comes to learning how to fully accept and believe in yourself. 

Every unsuccessful attempt you make only leads to greater disappointment and reinforces the absurd belief that you don’t have what it takes. 

This is why the time and effort you invest in building your self-confidence has to count this time.

There are VERY FEW resources available today that will help you achieve the results you have been looking for.

So, even if you are one of the many people who have been left feeling confused and frustrated by your lack of progress there’s good news - it’s NOT too late!

5 Myths that Destroy Your Efforts to Build Self-Confidence (and how to demolish them!)

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Building unshakable self-confidence isn’t easy and it doesn’t happen overnight. You have to be willing to acknowledge the beliefs you have that fuel the emotions that undermine your feeling of confidence.

At the heart of your belief system is that you do not have, nor can you find, the tools, skills, knowledge, or capacity to make positive change happen in your life. 

Until you deeply believe that you do have what it takes to accomplish, achieve, or acquire what you desire most in life you will not possess unshakable self-confidence.

Myth Buster: I have the ability to succeed. I can grow, take risks, learn from failed attempts, and strengthen and build upon the resources I already have.

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From the time we enter this world we begin to form beliefs about our lovability. 

If you’ve developed the belief that you somehow lack the qualities to be loved for who you are you will look for ways to try to earn love from others. 

You may have spent years trying to please and doing everything perfectly only to discover that you still don’t feel loveable.

That’s because those things will never make someone loveable – only discouraged, resentful, and confused.

You see, you are already worthy of love just the way you are. When you believe it, you will feel it. 

Myth Buster: There is nothing I need to do or change to be loveable except to know and believe that I am.

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No one ever “wins” for very long when they play the comparison game. There are people everywhere who are more skilled, talented, experienced, or equipped then we are. It’s just a fact.

There’s only one person you want to strive to be better than and that’s the person you were yesterday. 

When you focus on building upon and contributing your own strengths and abilities the drive to be “better” will take on a whole new and positive meaning. 

Myth Buster: Comparison is the thief of joy. I am committed to being the best version of me because I am one-of-a-kind.

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There isn’t a part of your being that isn’t constantly changing every second of every day.

Therefore, the issue isn’t about it being too late for you to change because change isn’t a choice. The issue is whether or not you want to positively influence how you change.

Myth Buster: Change is inevitable. Positive, deliberate change is a choice only I can make. I have the ability to take small steps towards new positive behaviors and outcomes regardless of my stage of life. 

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If you couldn’t truly risk failing you would have never learned to walk, ride a bike, make a friend, or experience any joy associated with your efforts.  

Taking risks is the only true way you are able to measure the quality and nature of your growth and development. In its absence, you risk the pain of stagnation and deterioration. 

Myth Buster: I have the opportunity to grow through every experience I have, including failure. Growth cannot happen without change. Change requires risk. Therefore, I choose to risk.

Shhh…I’m going to let you in on a little secret

Even though there are resources on the market today that promise to help build your self-confidence, many of them fall short in delivering on that promise.   

They are either filled with boring, difficult to understand psychological theory or overly simplistic, feel-good-in-the-moment tips and exercises. 

This means that although it is easy to find resources that claim to help build self-confidence…

…it can be difficult to find a step-by-step, simple to understand, highly engaging, evidenced-based program that helps you build a solid foundation for lasting self-confidence.

This is exactly why we created our program! 

And with your permission, we’d LOVE to show you how we can help you build and maintain unshakable self-confidence.


Confidence in Mind:

How to build and maintain unshakable self-confidence

We have taken the knowledge we have gained through our training in psychology and counseling and over 35 years of combined experience involving approximately 33,000 in-person psychotherapy sessions and turned it into a comprehensive, step-by-step program that not only teaches you important psychological concepts in an simple to understand format but also how to effectively implement the information for maximum results.  

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Yes, you’ll be given the information and strategies for powerful personal change, but more importantly, you’ll have a meticulous, comprehensive, step-by-step plan for implementing it.

The end result: An incredibly transformative personal development program you can utilize to end the pain of self-doubt and worry and start building unshakable self-confidence whenever you choose, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

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is the ONLY program of its kind that…


Our program only focuses on the information needed to build self-confidence. There is no fluff or filler. No unnecessary modules or lessons. Everything in the program is intended to help you focus on positive and lasting results.


We have strategically included challenges and exercises designed to help you immediately implement the process of identifying and aligning your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in a way that helps each of them promote and sustain self-confidence.  


Your ability to build and maintain self-confidence requires understanding of who you are on each of four levels - psychological, emotional, behavioral, and spiritual. Our comprehensive program provides you with knowledge and tools to effectively address each level.

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Dr. Linaman is the President and Founder of Relational Advantage, Inc., a personal and professional development company. He is a licensed clinical psychologist and marriage and family therapist. He has been helping people strengthen their lives and relationships at home and work for over 30 years. Dr. Linaman is a national conference and seminar speaker and has been featured as a personal development expert on national and local radio talk shows and television news programs. He is also co-author of the book Lessons Learned Looking Back: Strategies for Successful Living published by Broadman and Holman.


Kristen is both a certified teacher and licensed professional counselor. She has used her skills as an educator and therapist to help co-create Confidence in Mind. Kristen has worked in residential treatment as well as in her own private practice. She currently enjoys using her skills, knowledge, and experience through a variety of endeavors to help people recognize, embrace, and live their lives from a place of strength, courage, and healthy connection. 

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Here Is The Full

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In Module 1, you will learn… 

  • how building self-confidence can transform your life 
  • how to assess your self-esteem before starting your course journey   
  • the many amazing benefits of having unshakable self-confidence
  • the benefits of completing powerful and insightful exercises, we call “Confidence Challenges”

In Module 2, you will learn…

  • how to identify and challenge beliefs that cause you pain and undermine your success
  • how to silence the internal critic whose primary purpose is to judge and condemn you
  • the keys to lasting emotional and behavioral change and how to apply them daily
  • strategies to help you control your thoughts and relax your body
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In Module 3, you will learn…

  • the critical role nutrition, exercise, and sleep plays in building self-confidence
  • how to demonstrate confidence even when you don’t feel it in the moment
  • proven strategies for creating the daily habits that confident people must have 
  • to expand your interests and live in your growth zone instead of your comfort zone

In Module 4, you will learn…

  • to clarify your values so you can make the best choices and wise decisions
  • the rewards of turning your focus towards gratitude and service
  • how to transform your vision of who you want to be into reality  
  • how to create a clear roadmap that will guide you to your best possible future-self
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Our Guarantee

Let me say this upfront.

We believe that the Confidence in Mind digital system is one of the most comprehensive, step-by-step, and easy to understand implementation programs for people who are excited about, and COMMITTED to, building unshakable confidence.

If you do the work of completing Module 1, and you’re still not satisfied, show us your work within 14 days of enrolling, and we’ll gladly give you a refund.  (Full details here)  

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

Confidence in Mind: How to build and maintain unshakable self-confidence – Value of $497

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BONUS #1 - 30 Days to a More Confident You – Value of $19

The 30 Days to a More Confident You challenge is designed to help you focus on healthy thoughts, take constructive action, and apply proven strategies to help build your self-confidence. This bonus comes with a 30-day calendar to track your progress, motivating quotes, and an opportunity to journal your reflections after each exercise.

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BONUS #2 - How to Break Free from a Stressful Lifestyle (eBook) – Value $15

Nothing takes its toll on our confidence, relationships, emotions, and bodies like stress. Stress is linked to many emotional disorders and physical diseases such as depression and even cancer. Unfortunately, in today’s world, most of us are experiencing a stressful lifestyle with no way to get out of it – or so we think.  This free bonus is packed full of the information and practical strategies and tips you need to break from your stressful lifestyle.

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BONUS #3 - Getting Along with Difficult People audio program – Value $20

Whether it’s a co-worker, supervisor, family member, neighbor, or someone you run into at the gym, you no doubt have to deal with one or more difficult people in your life – we all do! That’s why we are offering you the How to Deal with Difficult People audio program as a special bonus. This free audio program will help you acquire the knowledge and strategies you need to more fully understand and successfully interact with the people at home and work that challenge you most.

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BONUS #4 – FREE Personal Coaching Session with Dr. Todd or Kristen! – Value $250

When you purchase the Confidence in Mind course you will have the opportunity to experience a FREE, 1-hour, one-on-one telecoaching session with either Dr. Todd or Kristen. Once you complete and submit one of your initial Confidence Challenge exercises, we will schedule your free bonus coaching session to review the exercise and to personally answer any questions you have.

BONUS #1 - 30 Days to a More Confident You – Value of $19

The 30 Days to a More Confident You challenge is designed to help you focus on healthy thoughts, take constructive action, and apply proven strategies to help build your self-confidence. This bonus comes with a 30-day calendar to track your progress, motivating quotes, and an opportunity to journal your reflections after each exercise.

BONUS #2 - How to Break Free from a Stressful Lifestyle (eBook) – Value $15

Nothing takes its toll on the body like stress. In addition to the mental damage it causes, stress is also linked to many diseases, including cancer. Unfortunately, in today’s world, most of us are experiencing a stressful life with no way to get out of it – or so we think. This free resource will help you effectively break free from a stressful lifestyle.

BONUS #3 - Getting Along with Difficult People audio program – Value $20

Whether it’s a co-worker, supervisor, family member, neighbor, or someone you run into at the gym, you no doubt have to deal with one or more difficult people in your life – we all do! That’s why we are offering you the How to Deal with Difficult People audio program as a special bonus. This free audio program will help you acquire the knowledge and strategies you need to more fully understand and successfully interact with the people at home and work that challenge you most.

1When you add it all up, that’s a total value of $551!

But because we are excited to welcome you to our course, we’re giving you the opportunity to enroll in Confidence in Mind TODAY at the special introductory rate of just…

a one-time payment of ONLY $197



  • Access to Confidence in Mind course 
  • BONUS #1 - 30 Days to a More Confident You!
  • BONUS #2 - How to Break Free from a Stressful Lifestyle (eBook)
  • BONUS #3 - Getting Along with Difficult People audio program
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What people are saying about Confidence in Mind

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“I give this course 5 STARS! The course is very well designed and the information clearly explained. I enjoyed the graphics and found the resources and exercises extremely helpful. I benefited from the course so much that I will highly recommend it to friends and family. I know this course will help many people like it did me. It has given me a great sense of hope.” 

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“I was able to use my phone to go through the program so I could listen at any time. The content was clear and concise. I found the exercise “My Story” extremely helpful in pinpointing and working through specific areas that undermine my self-confidence. I was able to easily incorporate the assignments into my daily routine and I found the self-talk exercises to be  helpful in keeping me from getting stuck in destructive thought loops. I highly recommend this program to others.”

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"This is probably one of the most life-changing courses I have ever taken! As a result of taking this course, I was able to confront the misconceptions I had about myself and replace them with the truth. I am able to relax a lot more and get better sleep due to worrying much less about what other people think about me. All in all, this course has significantly improved my life."

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