Spend Your Time Wisely

personal growth professional development relationships work Jan 02, 2023
Spend Your Time Wisely

As the new year begins, we often give a lot more thought to things we want to do differently, better, or not at all. Many of us evaluate our calendars and priorities, and I was reminded that several years ago I came across an illustration in a newsletter that I have never forgotten. Karen Ann Bland had submitted this thought-provoking item:

“Imagine you had a bank that each morning credited your account with fourteen hundred forty dollars – under one condition: Whatever amount you failed to spend each day would be removed from your account, and no balance would be carried over.

What would you do? You’d probably withdraw every cent every day and use each one to your best advantage.

Well, you do have such a bank and its name is TIME. Every morning, this bank credits you with fourteen hundred forty minutes. And it writes off as forever lost whatever portion you’ve failed to invest to good purpose. Use your credit wisely!”

Wow! It is a simple, yet profound illustration. Take a look at your life today. Do you see a lot of time-wasters, like watching hours of TV or scrolling social media? Remember, you can’t get that time back.

Don't just spend your time, invest your time. Think about how you would spend that account if it were actually money. You would probably pay your bills, hire experts to make repairs, replace broken down cars or appliances and fund your kids’ education, and the list goes on. In short, you would take care of all your “adulting” responsibilities. I think you would also have some fun with it, like take vacations, spend time with loved ones, and invest in hobbies. I hope you would also be generous with your church, a charity or someone you know who needs help. When you think about how you would spend the money, it can give you some great ideas on how to spend the time you have in your account.

So, each day, take advantage of the gift you have been given of 1440 brand-new minutes - in learning, service to others and developing your relationships. Investing your time wisely will pay great dividends, and you’ll find it’s time well spent!

Live, Work & Relate Well!

Dr. Todd

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