How to Effectively Motivate Employees

communication leadership management professional development relationships Apr 30, 2015

In his book, Linchpin, Seth Godin reports on a survey conducted by author Richard Florida.  Florida and his research team gave twenty-thousand creative professionals a list of thirty-eight factors believed to help motivate employees to do their best at work.  Each survey participant was asked to rank order the factors that motivated them the most.  Here is a list of the top ten motivators:

1.  Challenge and responsibility

2.  Flexibility

3.  A stable work environment

4.  Money

5.  Professional development

6.  Peer recognition

7.  Stimulating colleagues and bosses

8.  Exciting job content

9.  Organizational culture

10. Location and community

Godin points out that only one of the factors mentioned above, money, is a clearly extrinsic motivator.  The rest are either things we do for ourselves or things that we value because of who we are.  It’s interesting to note that money is the only thing most employees can’t increase in the short run.  Most of the other factors can increase substantially as a result of our behavior, contributions, attitude and gifts.

Despite this reality, Godin notes that many managers still believe that the only real motivators are money and freedom from scolding.  Do your best to not be one of those managers.

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